Three Simple Yet Effective Tips To Have A Minimal Home

In today’s times, we all want to live a simple life. Our lives are hectic, and we don’t want clutter around us. For some people, having clutter in their homes can be very stressful. While minimal housing does not equate to having less clutter, it surely has a relation to it. Having a clean and hygienic home is one thing, but minimal home decoration (แต่ง บ้าน สไตล์ มิ นิ มอ ล, which is the term in Thai) is an amazing concept. It encourages people to have minimal decoration without compromising the functionality of the place. Here are three simple tips to make your home look more minimal and comfortable on a budget.

Clean, Clean & Clean

The fundamental rule to having a minimal home is to declutter everything. It’s important to have a clean home so make sure you have a good cleaning routine. Clean your home from time to time, and allocate specific time to clean out specific areas. Throw out things that are not usable anymore. If you have something usable but don’t use it, sell it.

Less Is More

If you want your home to look minimal, keep everything minimal. In simple terms, stay moderate with everything. Choose colors that are soft and calm. If you want to decorate a wall, pick a few frames or artwork. Mix and match different elements but do not add more elements than required.

DIY If You Can!

DIY stands for do it yourself. Instead of buying expensive artwork, try to make it on your own. Choose simple frames and put your pictures in them. You can also get aesthetic posters to decorate the rooms. Again, only add a few elements. Don’t chaotically put a lot of colors for elements of various sizes in one place. Keeping similar things or things that look good with each other will add more warmth and comfort to the decor of the home.


There are no set rules when it comes to a minimal home. The only rule you should follow is to keep things basic and consistent. You don’t have to pick similar elements and make everything seem basic. You should do your research and have your style and guide. It is important to consult experts who will guide you and help you make choices. Minimalism is all about keeping things simple yet sophisticated, so plan accordingly. You can go within your budget; for minimalism, less is more!

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