All You Need To Know About Discharge 

As we go through puberty, we notice many changes in our bodies. Pubic hair, chest forming into the breast, menstruation etc. While we are going through it, we see many changes in our private parts, one of which is vaginal discharge. 


Vaginal discharge is quite common, and all women experience it. Let’s talk about white discharge before periods. The discharge’s colour and consistency can differ based on your menstrual cycle. Some women experience a thick white discharge before their menstrual cycle, which is normal. Also known as Leukorrhea, it is made from the lost fluids and cells present in the vagina. You can even get an off-white or slightly yellow discharge.


The colour and consistency of vaginal discharge change during different periods in your cycle. For instance, immediately before ovulation, you’ll notice clear, watery and stretchy mucus; closer to your period dates, discharge can be thick and cloudy in appearance. All kinds of discharge keep your vaginal tissues clean and healthy as long as it isn’t accompanied by a foul odour, itching or redness etc. If you’re experiencing the latter, consider visiting a lady doctor for assistance. 

When To Worry About White Discharge? 

Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are frequent and can happen to anyone. Yeast is always present in the body, but it can get problematic if it grows rapidly and results in an infection. Look out for a thick white discharge with a cottage cheese-like consistency and other symptoms like a burning and itching sensation in the vulva and vagina. If you experience any of these, it’s best to visit a doctor and get it checked at the earliest. 

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial Vaginosis refers to inflammation of the vagina, often caused by the overgrowth of naturally found bacteria in your vagina. Risk factors for BV include douching, smoking, or having many sexual partners. If you have Bacterial Vaginosis, you may experience discharge that has a foul fishy odour and is greyish white. 

Sexually Transmitted Infection

Trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and gonorrhoea are the most common STIs that cause discharge, and if you have chlamydia or gonorrhoea, your discharge will be yellow and pus-like. Trichomonas typically causes symptoms such as yellow or greenish discharge accompanied by itching and a strong fishy odour.

The Question Is When You Should Contact Your Doctor

White discharge is normal when it comes before your period; the time you have to worry about it is when you notice these symptoms:

  • Vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese or has a foam-like texture.
  • A strong foul odour from your discharge or vagina.
  • When there is discomfort in and around your vagina, like a sensation of burning and pain
  • Blisters or rashes caused because of discharge 
  • Swelling or redness in or around your vaginal area

If your symptoms stay for more than a week, you should consult a doctor. It’s important to schedule an appointment, even if you haven’t been treated for yeast infection in the past. The doctor will give a solution after examining your symptoms.

Remember, your vagina is a natural cleanser and does not need external cleaning agents to maintain its health. Additionally, vaginas have an acidic pH level and using a harsh soap to cleanse can disrupt its balance causing infections or irritation. However, you can use warm water and a mild soap for cleaning, which will not cause any irritation. 

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