Understanding Air Permits for Emergency Generators in New Jersey

Business owners rely on daily operations to achieve targeted financial returns. Even a brief period of inoperability may lead to significant financial setbacks. Entities must consider ways to mitigate the risk of potential power outages. 

A practical and straightforward approach is investing in a reliable alternative power solution, such as emergency generators. An emergency generator is a stationary combustion engine designed to supply power during utility outages. In healthcare and commercial buildings, these generators are crucial for supporting critical systems and communication infrastructure. 

For example, hospitals and medical centers need continuous power to use life-saving equipment, retain patient care, and uphold critical procedures. Utilizing emergency generators allows these facilities to have backup power during grid failures for uninterrupted medical services. 

Emergency generators are also vital in water supply and sanitation systems. They make sure that water treatment plants and pumping stations persistently function during blackouts, preventing clean water shortages. 

When planning on using an emergency generator, owners should know that they may need to apply for a general air permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). Emergency generators release harmful pollutants, such as carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxide (NOx). NJDEP permit compliance helps mitigate air pollution risks and safeguard public health. 

Obtaining an air permit also demonstrates the business’s commitment to environmental responsibility and regulatory compliance. Firms that secure permits with the help of an air permit consultant NJ can prevent substantial penalties and legal repercussions associated with emission violations. 

Emergency generators play a vital role in sustaining operational continuity during power outages. Entities may rely on this equipment to reinforce preparedness and resilience. 

However, while emergency generators are useful, they can produce toxic emissions that are detrimental to people’s health. By securing air permits, entities can exercise regulatory compliance and uphold environmental and public health standards. 

To learn more about the value of emergency generators and the importance of securing air permits, see this infographic from Lockatong Engineering. 

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