Know More About Different Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ Civil Services
UPSC Civil services is a very difficult exam to crack. It is imperative that aspiring candidates have a clear understanding of the upsc syllabus mains as well as the syllabus of the UPSC prelims. Along with solving previous years upsc questions, it is important to start the preparation work to understand the upsc syllabus mains.
UPSC civil services prelims 2021 examination was conducted on 10th October 2021. Initially, the upsc civil services exam was scheduled for 27th June 2021, but due to difficulties that were caused by Covid, it resulted in the postponement of the examination. The UPSC civil services prelims exam for 2022 is scheduled on 5th June 2022 and the UPSC civil services mains exam for 2022 is scheduled to be held on 16th September 2022.
Apart from the most popular services like the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Revenue Service, some of the other upsc civil services are Indian Postal Service, Indian Defence Accounts Service, Indian Railway Traffic Service, Indian Defence Estates Service, Indian Trade Service, Indian Information Service, Indian Railway Personnel Service, Indian Civil Accounts Service, Indian Corporate Law Service, Indian Trade Service. These are the Group ‘A’ services. The Group ‘B’ services recruitment done through UPSC civil services are Pondicherry Police Service, Pondicherry Civil Service, Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service, Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service, and Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service (Section Officer’s Grade).
UPSC Mains syllabus of General Studies Paper – II covers subjects such as Polity, Poverty, Governance, and International relations. International relations covers various bilateral relationships, multilateral relationships, intergovernmental organisations, relations between India and its neighbourhood, the effect on India due to developments taking place in different parts of the globe, etc. This paper also covers the Constitution of India, powers and functions of various statutory bodies, constitutional bodies, and quasi-judicial bodies. It also covers powers and functions of Parliament, and State Legislatures. It also covers the structure, organisation and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary. Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Center and the States, issues related to poverty, governance are also covered.
UPSC Mains syllabus of General Studies Paper – I covers Modern Indian History, History of the World, Geography, Society, and Indian Culture. The subject of Society covers topics such as effects of globalisation on Indian society, role of women and women’s organisations, poverty, developmental issues, secularism, social empowerment, regionalism etc. Modern Indian History covers important personalities, events, important contributions of different personalities, the freedom struggle of India etc. Indian culture will cover art forms, literature, and different types of architecture. The Geography section will cover various geophysical phenomena like cyclones, tsunami, and earthquakes. Geography will also cover important geographical features, flora, fauna, natural resources in India, across the globe, details on different types of industries, contributions of these industries to the nation, etc.
UPSC Mains syllabus of General Studies Paper – III covers subjects such as Economy, Security, Science & Technology, Agriculture, Environment, Disaster Management, etc. The Science and Technology section will cover general awareness in the fields of Nanotechnology, IT, Space, Computers, Robotics, bio-technology, latest strides made by India in the fields of Defense technology, Space technology etc. This section will also cover issues related to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The subject of Environment will cover issues related to conservation of flora and fauna, degradation of environment, initiatives to mitigate the impact of climate change, disaster management initiatives taken by the Governments. The subject on Security will cover various topics such as terrorism, internal security challenges in different states, cyber security, money laundering, etc.
It is important to note that candidates must start preparing for the mains examination right from the beginning of IAS Preparation. This strategy must be adopted. If the aspiring candidate starts preparing just for the Prelims examination and manages to clear it, then there will be very little time left for IAS Mains examination and it would not be possible to have adequate preparation for the Mains examination in that time period. While IAS Preparation is in progress, it is important that aspiring candidates refer to some of the important sources of information such as The Hindu newspaper, Yojana Magazine, Kurukshetra Magazine, and the Science Reporter Magazine.