What Is SCIP Database and What Should You Know About It?
The REACH regulation is not that old in the European Union and ever since it is formulated, the use of the restricted substances has been more focused upon. The use of these chemicals has been brought under a control and with the gradual advancement in time and technology, they are aimed to get replaced with safer chemicals. This is because the restricted chemicals when used over time will prove detrimental to both human health and the environment. Hence, the REACH and SCIP regulations help in protecting both the end-users as well as the manufacturing operators in the industry and waste management.
Under the regulation and scope of REACH, the substances of concern are put under major objectives. These substances lie the SVHC list, which include cobalt nitrate, cobalt sulphate and cobalt carbonate. Right from the time when any substance is put under observation by the ECHA, even if its use is still permitted, every manufacturer should be aware of the quantities they are using. They should look for an alternative solution in case they are completely prohibited from using it in the future.
The SVHC substances are in a state of pending decisions always. The decisions of their probable use or prohibition depend on if they are posing any particular health concern for both humans and the environment. But since none of us knows what the verdict is, as the substances are put under-identification of potential hazards, it is best to control their quantities in the production cycle.
This is where the role of the SCIP database comes in. SCIP stands for Substances of Concern In articles as such or complex Products. This database is a unique source of information about the concerned substances. This information complies with the WFD or the Waste Framework Directive.
Through the SCIP database, you can have complete knowledge about the restricted or the concerned substances that lie on the SVHC list. These chemicals might be found in products and articles throughout the production and supply chain till the time they perish as waste. One needs to constantly follow the SCIP database to have an idea about the substances put under the regulatory list. This will help you have a secured production line and not get involved in legal production issues.
For a smooth production and supply, you can refer to Enviropass Scip database today.